What is your hourly rate?
My hourly rate is $88/hr (inc. GST).
What is your pricing + package structure?
Please contact me with what design package you are interested in and I will send you a detailed PDF with all the relevant information.
How does your design process work?
Please click on my Studio page here to review my Design Process so you know exactly what to expect and how the process works.
Are your initial deposits refundable?
Please keep in mind that all deposits are nonrefundable as it is my way of securing your spot in my schedule. I often book my projects several months ahead of time and scheduling is the key to making sure I give all of my clients the proper amount of time their project deserves. With that, I often turn away clients for your reserved time slot. Therefore, if you decide that you don’t want to go ahead with my services, it may leave an empty spot that could have been given to another project. My nonrefundable deposit is my way of securing payment and making sure my clients are serious about moving forward with their project.
What are your billing and invoicing methods?
I graciously accept Paypal payments or direct deposit to Fiona Malcomson (Simplyalove). Payment plans are available and can be made in two parts, the first half payment (deposit) is due upon booking and to hold your spot in my schedule. The second half of the project payment is delivered at project completion, before any final logo/invitation files are delivered. If you need an extended payment plan I do offer 4 total milestone payments due across the span of our project together to make the investment work better for you. All milestone payment due dates will be detailed in your proposal and need to be approved by me before the project commences.
Do you have office hours?
Yes. In an effort to respect your time as well as my family’s time, I have established working office hours. I schedule phone calls Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm AEST and emails are accepted anytime. I typically respond to emails and calls anywhere from 24 hours to 72 business hours after receiving them. I do my best to respond as promptly as possible and response time usually depends on my work load at that time. I do prefer to schedule all calls in advance so that I may plan to be available and allot the proper amount of time for our conversation.